Saturday, May 24, 2008

fresh food

We all eat what we grew up with it. Our culture has a big impact on our personal sense of taste and flavor. I grew up eating fresh food and weird food. Some people can't stand durian but I grew up eating durian since I was a kid. I absolutely love it! It's a fruit that reminds me of my happy-spirited-carefree childhood. My dad was the cook in the house. He's an excellent cook, my mom is also a great cook. I remember my dad made some sweet bread (cows brain) when I was about six years old, I thought it was delicious. However, I wouldn't eat that now, just the thought of it makes me sick. I know it's a delicacy in some parts of Europe. But no matter what culture you grew up with, food brings us all together.

There are some foods that I can't eat simply because it makes me feel sick and it doesn't agree with my digestive system. I cannot eat dairy food and red meat. Over the years I learned how to eat healthy, sensible food. I've never owned a microwave in my life. We have an electric tea kettle. My husband and I drink a lot of green tea and earl grey tea. And I absolutely love our electric juicer. There's nothing like a freshly squeeze orange juice or grapefruit juice in the morning!

When it comes to food, I'm a minimalist. It's all about eating fresh and simple food. I'm not a big fan of sauces or cream on food. I enjoy the taste of real food. I shop at our local farmers market at least once a week and I buy organic food as much as possible. I would love to have my own garden someday so I can grow my own vegetables and fruits. I enjoy cooking very much and I prefer cooking my food from scratch. For me, cooking is very therapeutic and very relaxing.

The joy of cooking I learned from my parents are invaluable. It is the best experience I've learned to treasure.


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