Thursday, August 25, 2011

back to school!

This is my first week of school. It's kind of exciting actually. I had an early Biology class this morning, then a Chemistry class this evening. I don't believe in skipping breakfast or not eating at all because of lack of time due to crazy schedule. I always make time to eat a healthy snack or make a quick healthy meal. It's very important to eat healthy and nutritious food for better academic performance.

After my class this morning, I came home and made some pasta for lunch. It only took me less than 30 minutes! I made some spinach tortellini with marinara sauce. I added some broccoli and sprinkled with romano & parmesan cheese.

Friday, August 19, 2011

start the weekend off right

Baked eggs with smoked salmon, spinach, goat cheese, heirloom tomato and garlic (with a dab of extra virgin coconut oil at the bottom).

I start my school next week and I'm very excited! Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, August 5, 2011

fish molee (fish in coconut milk)

This is basically an Anglo-Indian dish, just like fish stew. This dish is common along the west coast of India.

I like this delicate-flavored curry, easy to make and it's always yummy.

*I use albacore tuna. You can use fresh, grated, or can of coconut milk.
*cauliflower (optional)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

don't let your summer end without the sweetness of melon

This is one of my favourite fruit in the summer. It's so sweet and juicy, it's perfect for summer. Just make sure you wash the skin throughly before cutting it and eating it -- the skin can carry some harmful bacteria, particularly salmonella. If you can buy them organic that would also be ideal. I bought it today at the farmers market. I was also going to buy some watermelon but couldn't carry both of them at the same time...(smile), I supposed I get the watermelon next time.

Cantaloupe is a nutrient packed fruit, that is low in calories and its a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and potassium. Cantaloupe also provides antioxidants that can help prevent heart disease and cancer.

*I prefer to eat this or any types of melon alone, for proper digestion.

Monday, August 1, 2011

my typical breakfast

My typical breakfast: Greek yogurt and honey parfait with sprouted whole grain, almond, sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds.

It's quick, delicious and nutritious. I also like it with lots of organic blueberries on top.