Sunday, August 3, 2008

"the gold of the Incas"

Quinoa salad with cucumber, tomatoes, orange pepper, olive oil and cayenne pepper.

Wholegrains are high in energy-boosting B vitamins and manganese, as well as magnesium, which plays a critical role in muscle contractions and energy metabolism.

Quinoa (pronounced keenwa) is a South American grain that is becoming more widely available and contains all the essential amino acids. It is therefore a complete protein but is more easier to digest than meat protein and has far lower fat content than most meat.

I usually have it as a salad or as a breakfast porridge. They're absolutely wonderful.

For more info about quinoa

Friday, August 1, 2008

salad power

Seared ahi tuna salad with rasberry balsamic dressing

I usually make salad two to three times a week. Salad fuels and help boost my runs. It's packed with vitamins and minerals that my body needs.

This is one of my favourite salad. It's made with lollo rosso, beetroot, tomatoes, yellow peppers and seared tuna. Organic fresh ingredients are the key here. Make sure the vegetables are fresh and pesticide-free.