Thursday, July 21, 2011

fresh pico de gallo

It's been really hot, Chicago is in the midst of summer heat wave. I really don't feel like cooking anything. So, I went to my local farmers market today to check out some fresh food and veggies. I got some fresh and happy tomatoes, cucumber, cilantro and some fresh herbs. I love tomatoes and they're in season all summer long. So, I decided to make some pico de gallo, it's perfect summer food and it's one of my favourite!

I like to mentioned that many years ago when I was younger, I used to dislike coriander or cilantro but it grew on me and now I absolutely love it! I like to put it on everything, I even make a salad or a curry with it.

As you know coriander or cilantro has a high anti inflammatory benefits and helps against bacterial infection. It also has a strong anti-oxidant properties and helps detoxify the body. You got to love coriander!

For more health benefits of coriander:

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