Sunday, June 15, 2008


So last night I made a big pot of russian borscht that should last us a few days. It's perfect for this stormy weather. Beets are available throughout the year, so it can be served year-round. Beets is really good for you. It's packed with vitamins and minerals. It contain powerful nutrient compounds that help protect against heart disease, birth defects and certain cancers, especially colon cancer.

I had my first borscht when I used to work at Russian Tea Time back when I was freshman in college, oh dear that was ages ago. I must say it was love at first taste. I learned how to make it quite easily.

Borscht is a vegetable soup from Eastern Europe, which is traditionally cooked including beetroot as a main ingredient which gives it a strong red color. Some people like it cold but I like it hot and it's usually served with sour cream on top.

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