Monday, June 9, 2008

weekend thunderstorm

A huge and loud thunderstorm hit Chicago this weekend. It's been really hot and stormy, which means lots of salads and smoothies to keep me out of a hot kitchen.

Sunday's farmers' market was nice. We had some crepes. Robin had some roasted veggies with turkey and I had some salmon with pears, it was delicious. We also bought some organic goat cheese and cottage cheese and some fresh veggies for salads.

Mixed organic lettuce salad with goat cheese

Smoothies with avocado, banana, kiwi, manila mango and soy milk

Sushi veggie rolls with avocado, brown rice, cucumber and nori

Note: I am lactose intolerant but I can eat goat cheese sparingly because they are low in lactose and they're easily digested than cow's milk. I used cottage cheese on Robin's salad.

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